The adventures of a single woman who combines ministry with parenting a special needs young adult.
Thursday, September 30, 2010
More Blessings
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Feeling Tall
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Our New Home
The Last Night
Monday, September 27, 2010
Adventures in Moving
Moving Day
Sunday, September 26, 2010
The Final Youth Group
The Last Time
Saturday, September 25, 2010
Insurance Fun
Friday, September 24, 2010
More Goodbyes
Are You Sure?
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Saying Goodbye and Problems
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Long Day
Monday, September 20, 2010
I Am Blessed
Ten Years Younger
The Last Board Meeting
- I encouraged them to get someone to help Secretary with the youth group ASAP. I told them they were a great bunch of kids, and I loved them and would miss them. "I'll definitely miss the youth group. I'll miss SOME of you, but I'll miss all of them." The response: "And we want you to know that we will miss Daughter."
- They were playing helpless and asking me to provide them with information. I pointed out they had all the information they needed in their notebooks, including all the calendar dates for the rest of the year.
- They have lined up supply preachers through the end of November all ready.
- They have decided to continue the Christmas Open House, though at the church.
- Less than 2 years ago they were insisting they could not afford a full time pastor for much longer. Last night they insisted that they have to have a full time interim pastor.
- They expressed appreciation for my work (not while I was there, of course).
- They may have someone at the regional meeting tomorrow to express the church's appreciation for me as the region says goodbye.
Time is going to fly this last week, and I will have to prioritize my time and work carefully. The excitement builds, and with it the energy to do what must be done. I had a breakfast appointment this morning, and left Daughter home waiting for the bus. There was confusion, and the bus didn't come to get her. She called the workshop, found out what was happening, and then found someone here in Tiny Village to take her to the gift shop. I hope that she will continue to show that kind of independence and responsibility.
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Feeling Guilty
Saturday, September 18, 2010
Back to Tiny Village
Nice Surprises
Friday, September 17, 2010
The Cure for Insomina
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Freak Out Stage
- "That's it! I'm not going and you can't make me."
- "We need to put Kitten down."
- As we began to load the car, I walked by her in the kitchen and she was hyperventilating.
- "Can we take Kitten with us, I don't want to leave her here. I'll miss her."
- Sobbing, "I'm not ready to leave. I can't do this."
- "Can't we just leave now?"
The car is pretty much loaded. We need to pack pj's, clothes for the trip home, my cpap machine, my computer, and Daughter's DVD player. We have dishes, card table and chairs, ladder, tools, cleaning supplies, rags, paper towels and toilet paper, lamps, extension cords, air mattresses, linens, pillows, and who knows what else packed in there. Most of the things we are taking will stay there.
We're both excited. Realtor will meet us at the house when we get there to let us in. After we unload the car, we'll head to super hardware store and begin buying appliances, paint and supplies, closet organizers, and who knows what else. We'll go from there to closing, and then to our home, where Sister Best Friend and Husband will join us for a little celebration. Now I need to work on my shopping list.
Crunch Time
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
More Mortgage Madness
A Radical Idea
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Picking a Fight
Getting a Mortgage Post Meltdown
- 2008 and 2009 W-2's. They were concerned about the fact that they were handwritten.
- A release so they could get my 2008 and 2009 tax returns from the IRS.
- Yesterday they decided they needed my 2008 and 2009 1040's.
- 2 months bank and investment account statements.
- A paper trail following mutual funds I sold and transfers from my investment account to my bank account.
- Today they decided that they needed August statements and all bank activity this month.
- I threw in all my August credit card statements, as well.
- This afternoon it was decided they needed to know the source of every deposit I made in the last 6 weeks.
- I told the broker we were in trouble if they asked for my first born child, since Daughter wasn't born to me, she was adopted.
I'm hoping that I'm done jumping through hoops, and that tomorrow they will be able to give me a closing date and time. My broker has apologized every time he has called with another demand from the underwriters. I know they faxed something to the church in Capital wanting employment verification-- I had given them a copy of my signed contract, but that wasn't enough. They also required income verification from Tiny Village. My broker suspects they'll approve it now contingent upon me signing my tax returns. I use tax software that allows me to file electronically. I have PDF's of my returns, but they aren't signed.
I suspect that when I get to the actual closing I will end up with writer's cramp from signing all the documents. I will be very glad, though, when it is done and I have keys in my hand. That will eliminate a great deal of stress.
Monday, September 13, 2010
A Discovery
Monday the 13th
Sunday, September 12, 2010
Youth Group
Sunday Randomness
Her close friend's grandson committed suicide yesterday. She had chosen this song for me as I get ready to leave. I assured her it was okay, and stuck an extra hymn into the service instead of their duet.
They couldn't get one of the two entrances into the sanctuary to unlock this morning. It threw everybody who sits on that side of the church off.
We were going to use the projector in worship to preview Sunday School, but they couldn't get the projector to work with the sound system. We had to have audio for Sunday School, so I sent Daughter home right after the worship service to get my computer and speakers, and we ran the DVD through that.
We had a guest organist today, and she had some problems with the hymns.
Since two men in the county committed suicide this past week, I addressed that in my sermon. It fit well with what I'd planned, but was still hard. A classmate of the one who died yesterday was quietly crying during worship. Daughter got up and took her some tissues-- she'd known her from school. This young couple was visiting today. Because of the congregational meeting, I didn't have an opportunity to talk to them. I was pleased when I saw Daughter offering tissues and comfort to the young woman.
The congregational meeting to accept my resignation was immediately following the worship service. It was harder than I thought it would be. No one wanted to make the motion to accept my resignation. One of the board members asked what would have happened if they'd all voted no.
One of our kids, who will be a senior this year, was bugging me today. She wants me to come back for her graduation. I suggested she'd like the next pastor even better. She wasn't buying it. I will be sad to miss her graduation. I've watched her grow up, and she's a remarkable young woman.
I gave the music for Precious Memories to the man whose coordinating the special music for my last Sunday. He'd asked me a couple of weeks ago if I had any requests. I'm not sure that song is a good idea-- it may have us all in tears by the time we're done.
Sunday School started back up today. It was good to see the children and youth there.
Tonight is the first youth group of the year. We're watching a video and making sundaes. Everyone was instructed to bring their favorite ice cream topping. Two weeks from tonight we'll have a pizza party with the youth as I say goodbye to them. I'll miss them. They're great kids. I remember when some of them were born.
Saturday, September 11, 2010
Even Worst
Progress Made
Friday, September 10, 2010
A Road Map Out
Around." Basically, the list was about fixing the things she had done wrong. I was quite specific, itemizing the things that needed to be done in the guest room. When faced with a project like that, Daughter is overwhelmed. If I break it into smaller, more manageable pieces, she's fine. So it was real basic, "Pick up the pictures and put them back in the footlocker." "Take care of the food containers." She worked on the list for a couple of hours, and has made progress. She swears she has learned her lesson and won't trash the guest room again. Of course I don't believe her, but she knows what I want to hear, and so she says it. She's sitting next to me on the couch now, sleeping. There will be no electronics until she's completed the list. As expected, she didn't argue with the list or protest. I really do need to get in the practice of making all communication with her written. It's much easier.