Wednesday, August 18, 2010


Daughter informed me she hated me last night. I had had the audacity to inform her that she needed to make sure her room was in order, as I would be checking it. She doesn't think her bedroom is any of my business. She's not doing anything major right now, but the little things are wearing me out.
Apparently she hadn't eaten all the candy yesterday morning. So her blood sugar mysteriously jumped 50 points right before supper. Once again she swore she hadn't been into anything. I get so tired of the lying.
I bought pull out drawers for the two lower cupboards. I carefully organized the plastic containers and mixing bowls. She refuses to put things away in there properly, so every time she has unloaded the dishwasher, I have to move things around the next time I get something out of the cupboard.
I sat down with her and let her fall asleep against me (drooling all over me) for 90 minutes when she got home yesterday. Within 30 minutes of waking up, she claimed I was asking her to do too much and she had to have a break.
I couldn't find the pouch where I keep the insulin at supper time last night. I told her to look on my desk for it. She insisted it wasn't on or in my desk. I came and found it under one sheet of paper.
I get tired of having to keep everything locked up: pills, knives, insulin, treats. It is a major inconvenience, to say the least.
She was angry and defiant when I told her she needed to take a shower before she went to bed last night. She had lied to me in the morning about wetting her bed, so she hadn't taken one in the morning. I pointed that out to her. She got angrier.
Throughout all of this I didn't yell. I just laid things out calmly and factually. She responds with yelling, name calling, door slamming. Then she comes down and apologizes for being such a jack*ss, and within 5 minutes is at it again.
I know it's the stress of the move. I understand that. I'm stressed, too. I'm also tired. Very tired. I'll be glad when the move is behind us.

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