Thursday, July 1, 2010


Daughter wants to go back to the gift shop tomorrow. Yes, she's feeling that good. Tomorrow they are having a picnic with associated picnic activities like races and water balloons for the gift shop and the workshop. I don't know that she will be able to get her mouth around a hamburger and chew it tomorrow. I suspect that running around trying to participate in the activities would trigger pain. I know that they will not give her pain medication without a signed order from the doctor and me. In short, I don't think it's a good idea to back back for a picnic 2 days after oral surgery.
I've explained my concerns to Daughter. She is, understandably, disappointed, but acknowledges I have valid points. I have offered to let her go into the gift shop to see everyone after my PT tomorrow morning if she is super cooperative today. She thought that sounded like a good deal. She has been to the post office twice, put inserts in bulletins for Sunday, and is now putting the clean dishes away. The thought of seeing Super Supervisor tomorrow is powerful motivation today. She also gets ice cream at her favorite ice cream place if she's super cooperative. I get cooperation and chores done, she gets ice cream and a chance to see her friends before vacation. Sounds like a win-win to me.


maeve said...

I had four wisdom teeth pulled a the same age and taught first grade on the following Monday. The pulling happened on Friday, I think. I had no swelling and very little pain. I think that sometimes it happens this way and, if it has, that's great.

Linda said...

Two of my kids had 4 wisdom teeth extracted at ages 16 and 17. The tough one had a rough recovery for 4 days. The complainer was up and fine the next day. Go figure. Personally I think you made the right call. Those sockets can bleed and be painful pretty easily so soon. Definately a win-win!