Saturday, July 17, 2010

The Date

Daughter called late yesterday afternoon and wanted to know if instead of meeting Nice Guy in town, he could just come here for supper. She thought she'd feel safer that way. I told her we'd talk about it when she got home. I was impressed that she was acknowledging her discomfort and seeking ways to feel safe. Unfortunately, when we got home (I was gone all day), I got involved with a phone call, I finally suggested that since we didn't have anything planned for supper at home, I could tell NG that I wasn't going to eat alone and sit with them at the restaurant. She decided it would be okay if I just sat near them.
We parked and I set up my lawn chair in the park, and then began to walk to the restaurant. NG showed up as we were walking, and I let Daughter walk with him as I fell behind. When they got the restaurant, Daughter waited and came back to me, asking if they could go in first and get started. I explained that was why I was hanging back. I waited until they were seated to go get my own table a booth away from them.
Daughter stopped by my table to show me the food she'd gotten from the buffet so I could give her her insulin. Daughter complained later that Flasher was texting and calling NG throughout their supper. NG finally put his phone on speaker on the table, and Flasher told them he was going to help them with their wedding. So much for no discussion of marriage until Daughter brought it up.
After supper we headed over to the park separately. I settled into my waiting chair and they connected with various friends. Part way through the first half, Daughter came to ask me if it was okay if they went up to the front and danced. I said that would be fine, though I thought it was strange that she was asking my permission. I figured it was an excuse for checking in with me. I thought it was interesting that they weren't the first up on the stage when the band called for volunteers, and wondered that I didn't see them as I made my way to the restrooms right before intermission. During intermission, Daughter called. "Is the concert over yet?"
"No, it's intermission. Where are you?"
"We're out driving around in an air conditioned car. It was too hot there."
"Wrong. You need to get back to the concert."
They were among the volunteers on stage during the second half of the concert to dance to the twist and YMCA. On the way home I told Daughter that she wasn't to go off with NG in his car without talking to me first.
"Fine. I'll just never go on another date."
She is so inconsistent. She's afraid to eat with him in a restaurant, but willingly gets in a car alone with him to go driving around. I explained that she could still see him, she just needed to tell me before they went someplace. I don't think she understood my concern at all. Sigh.
They had a good time, though, so I will try to keep us both focused on how much she enjoyed the evening.


Anonymous said...

And did YOU enjoy the evening? I wis you had time for yourself, to hang out with friends and go on dates, if that's what you' d like to do. I'm concerned that you give all your time and attention and energy to your DD and there's nothing left for you.

Reverend Mom said...

I did enjoy the evening. I didn't try to make the rounds and greet all the church folks. I sat in my chair and soaked in the music. It was good.

Anonymous said...

Greeting all the church folks doesn't necessarily constitute "left for you."

Anonymous said...

Does greeting all the church folks constitute something "left for you?" Doesn't sound like for you.....

Reverend Mom said...

Ah, you missed the point. I DIDN'T make the rounds. There was a time I felt like it was my duty to go speak to everyone I knew at the concert. The concert then became work. Last night I just sat.