Friday, July 2, 2010


Daughter was mad because I was asking her to do some work and she wanted to sleep. She went upstairs to take a nap-- and wet her bed after 3 dry nights.
I met with an engaged couple this afternoon. They are going to face a number of challenges-- I'm not sure either one of them has the maturity to handle marriage and baby, both of which are scheduled before the end of the year. I told them they need to set some priorities before I meet with them again in a few weeks.
Daughter broke into my chocolate stash again. I told her to go get the remains, and so she's standing staring blankly at me.
I'm still behind on my preparation for the class I'm teaching next week and Sunday worship.
All of this is minor, though. The major stress is the fact that my ipod died this morning. I'm going to try to resuscitate it, but I'm not optimistic....


maeve said...

Oh, no. Terrible issues the worst of which is the Ipod. I love mine as well.

Anonymous said...

Have you considered leaving a "doctored" sweets stash for your DD to steal? Nothing too awful, maybe just something nasty-tasting beneath the chocolaty-frosting?