Sunday, July 18, 2010

Hearing God

In May I decided that I would be preaching a sermon called, "Worried and Distracted" today. The passage was the story from Luke where Martha comes to Jesus and complains that her sister, Mary, is sitting listening to him while she's doing all the work. He tells her she's worried and distracted about many things, and that Mary has chosen the better part, which will not be taken away from her.
Now here comes the twist. All week I've been balancing preparing the sermon with preparing to host 3 guests for brunch immediately following the service. Both went well. Daughter did well with the whole morning. Our visitors liked the sermon and were commenting on specific parts of it. They were more comfortable with the order of worship than they were when I preached at a friend's church. I had told them how small and isolated Tiny Village is, but they hadn't grasped it until they came here today.
They brought a fruit salad and banana bread. I had made 3 salads, 2 quiches and muffins. They liked everything and were amazed that I invited them to come to brunch following the service. I think they will call me, but if they don't, I will know I've given it my best shot and that God has some place better in mind. I hope we will all be able to hear God's voice in all of this, and will have the faith to follow wherever it is God leads. Daughter commented after they left that there was a little part of her that was afraid to leave, but a bigger part of her that wanted to move. Now that she's talking about her feelings, it will be easier to deal with them. Interestingly, she was dry last night.


Miz Kizzle said...

Good for you. I can't help but compare your situation to that of a hypothetical single male clergyman. I doubt he would clean his house much less prepare brunch for visitors. You're in a situation where you're expected to fill dual roles: run a household and minister to a congregation with all the infighting, backstabbing and jockeying for position that comes wit it. It must be very stressful.

Reverend Mom said...

I have been known to comment that what I really needed was a wife to take care of the homefront. Over the years, I've learned various tricks to make it easier. The cooking I did yesterday will feed us most of the week. I really do love my life.