Monday, July 5, 2010

Bed Wetting

One of the things that has made me reluctant to travel this year has been Daughter's bed wetting. We brought an air mattress and comforter for her (sleeping bags are too big for a standard washing machine). I bought her new, generic adult diapers that involved tape (I thought they were pull-up briefs). She was quite frustrated with them last night. I showed her what to do with them and told her it was her job to get them on, I wasn't helping. She was wetter this morning than she has been in several weeks. This afternoon, I will walk her around the lake and show her how to operate the washing machine here. Then I will leave her to take care of her mess.
My prediction: she won't soak through again this week. Now it's off to morning prayer.


Anonymous said...

Have fun! I'm glad you got away for a little vacation. What you really need is a respite provider...

maeve said...

Natural consequences stink, literally, don't they?