Thursday, July 29, 2010

The First Resource

I just had a phone call from a member of the search committee in Capital. He wanted to run their plans for my candidating weekend by me. There are going to be lots of groups and people to meet. He was thinking that Saturday for supper he might set me up with one particular family that has a member who spent his career in the special education field. He thought he would be a good resource for me as I begin to plan to navigate the system and get services for Daughter. I thought that sounded wonderful.
Daughter has struggled at the gift shop the last two days. She is anxious about the move (which is contributing to the food issues). Today she called in tears and said, "Can't we just move now?" I'm hoping that once we have a house and things are more definite, it will ease her anxiety somewhat. I'm going to sit down and do some planning with her tonight. Maybe if she sees us working on the move, that will help. I found a charity used book sale that will be collecting books throughout the month of August. I need to get some boxes and begin to pull out books I can give a way. I can't make decisions about furniture yet, but I can certainly begin to make decisions about books.
I hear that they are as excited in Capital as we are down here in Tiny Village. The wait is hard, but there is more than enough work to fill that time. Tonight we'll start in on it.

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