Thursday, July 8, 2010

A Phone Call

Yesterday evening, while sitting around talking with friends, my cell phone beeped to tell me I had a new voice mail. We don't get a good signal here, so I went outside to try to find a strong enough signal to retrieve the message. It was a member of the search committee at the church I interviewed with last month. They were wondering if it would be okay if several of their members came to hear me preach in Tiny Village. I told them it would be fine, and they are planning to come on July 18 (I won't be there on July 11).

I am excited. I'm still in the running for the call. I sent text messages to my 3 siblings. All sent responses within 2 minutes. Brother called to ask if I'd seen the video from their worship service on their website and if I was going to use PowerPoint for the sermon on the 18th. I assured him I'd seen the video, and I wasn't going to use PowerPoint because I don't want to get fired. Sister texted me with a sermon suggestion and then sent me a link to a web resource on preaching.
I told my friends by the time I get home this Sunday, they will probably have a sermon written for me. I'm glad they're sharing my excitement. I told Daughter, and she's pleased. There are still some steps to take before I receive the call. I am hopeful, though.
The conference continues to be good. Daughter has been dry the past two nights. I was pleased with the way my class went. It's been a good week.

1 comment:

maeve said...

Great news! Keep us posted. And have a great week-end and week.