Saturday, May 22, 2010

The Sub

Daughter was being difficult this morning. I finally asked her what was wrong. "Sub."
Super Supervisor took her aside yesterday and told her that Sub would be there 7 of the next 10 days. Daughter was upset because she said SS didn't get it. I explained to her that SS had known Sub for many years, and knew she was a good person and trusted her, so it was hard for her to understand why Daughter doesn't trust her. I explained that Sub hadn't known that Daughter is allowed to call me anytime, but now she does. I suggested Daughter needs to give her another chance to prove she can be trusted. Hopefully Sub will do better the next time Daughter tests her.
She wet the bed last night. Of course, she went to bed mad, so I'm not surprised she wet the bed. She wanted me to take her horse back riding today if she was dry. Never mind that I'm not aware of anyplace that she could do that, we should just stop by the home of some people with horses and they'll let her ride, no questions asked. I'm so mean and unreasonable.

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