Monday, May 17, 2010

In the Moment

In general, Daughter had a good weekend. She was cooperative and helped me get quite a bit done around the house, for which I am grateful. We went out for breakfast on Saturday, and she didn't complain when we didn't go out to eat on Sunday. She asked once if we could go (though I had explained that the Saturday breakfast was in place of Sunday dinner), but didn't protest when I said no.
She kept herself entertained and out of trouble while I had my board meeting yesterday. Then, yesterday evening, I asked her to bring the load of whites into the living room for us to fold together while we watched TV. That set her off. "I'm tired of being good!" She tried to convince me that she needed to go to the hospital. She wasn't sleeping at all. The voices were back. She was having terrible nightmares. She was in desperate need of help. She even came up with a new line, "I want my Mom back!"
I calmly pointed out that 10 bad minutes did not erase a good weekend, and I was focusing on the good parts of it. After retreating to her room for a few minutes of fuming, she came downstairs. She brought in the laundry basket of whites. I turned on the TV to Extreme Home Makeover. We folded folded napkins and washcloths and sorted socks. The outburst was forgotten.
It is so hard to figure out what is real with her. She's been complaining off and on about stomach problems. She'll try to convince me she's dying for about 30 minutes, and then she'll get busy and seems to forget she's dying. I listen to her complaints and wonder which ones I should be taking seriously. Daughter lives very much in the moment. It's hard to get her to step back and see the bigger picture. When she's mad, she has no memory of being happy. When she's feeling physical discomfort, she has never been healthy. It certainly keeps life interesting for me.
This morning she was cooperative, and was quite pleased as she headed out the door armed with her new ipod. I will pick her up this afternoon for an appointment with the diabetes doctor. I hope her good mood will last through the day. If it doesn't, I'll stay out of the moment and remember the good mood this morning.

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