Saturday, May 22, 2010


Daughter keeps telling me she has too much stress. She's vague when I ask her to identify the stress, though she does mention the fact that Sub will be at the gift shop while Super Supervisor is out. This evening I figured it out. Flasher hasn't responded to her friend request on facebook. She acknowledged that she got on facebook to make contact with him. I suggested that she just cancel the request. She just let me do it for her.
She so desperately wants to be normal, and having a boyfriend seems like the quickest way to accomplish that. It would be nice if I could get her completely out of the workshop culture. I'm going to see if I can come up with some sort of visual to remind her of the things she needs to accomplish to achieve her goals. Maybe if she can see it, she will remember what it is she wants and what she needs to do to get there. Then again, maybe it will just stress her out more.


Miz Kizzle said...

What happened to Nice Guy? Is Flasher the only available boyfriend material? You can tell her that if a guy senses any hint of desperation on the part of a woman he will run far, far away.
Not every "normal" woman has a boyfriend. There are plenty of young, attractive women who choose to concentrate on their studies or their career before entering into a relationship.
Your DD's idea of what constitutes a boyfriend/girlfriend relationship seems to be on a level of a fifth grader's. You want a presentable guy to identify as your boyfriend and maybe you'll eat lunch with him or IM him but that's about it. It's sort of on the level of having the latest electronic gadget so you'll be like your friends. Your DD seems blind to the fact that Flasher is, basically, scum and that he'll expect to have a sexual relationship. Maybe you can get her a cardboard cutout of a cute guy so she can take her picture with him and post it on Facebook.
"This is my boyfriend, Evan. He lives in Hawaii so we don't see each other too often..."

Reverend Mom said...

Nice Guy wanted to be married. Daughter isn't ready to talk about marriage. There are times when she recognizes that Flasher is scum. Yesterday I reminded her of all the reasons I don't think he's good for her. She listened in silence and then said, "Okay. You have a good point." Unfortunately, she can have forgotten that in less than an hour. That's why I think I need to help her work on visuals.