Thursday, May 20, 2010


She left the house singing this morning. She called me with blood sugar questions at lunch time and was happy and excited. She came home dragging. While she was at the workshop waiting for the bus home, some "friends" took her aside and told her that everyone was talking about her. They were saying that Flasher raped her and now she was pregnant. I pointed out that it was interesting that they thought Flasher would rape her and reminded her that he'd do whatever it took to get her pregnant.
She sat next to me and slept with her head on my shoulder for about 45 minutes. After supper I gave her her list of chores, and then took away her laptop until they're done. She wants her phone because she needs to call Flasher's mom and tell her to get out of the way of their true love. Amazing that the same individual who figured out facebook has now decided that her response to friends' belief that Flasher has raped her and gotten her pregnant is to get back together with him.
I now have custody of her cell phone and her laptop. Did I mention that apparently Flasher has his driver's license now? When she was complaining about the goings on at the workshop she told me we needed to move. I find myself wondering what kind of drama she'll weave wherever we end up. Somehow I don't think it's going to vanish.

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