Monday, May 10, 2010

The Search

I've been pondering whether it is possible that God wants me to stay here. I have been considering putting my search for a new position on hold. Maybe this is where I need to be for now. I've been trying not to imagine myself moving to the church that has impressed me.
This morning I had breakfast with a friend who is also serving as a reference. All six of my references were contacted by that church last week. All gave me good references. When I got home, I received a phone call from my closest friend, who lives about an hour from that church. She had received a call about the possibility of me preaching at her church at the end of June so the search committee could come hear me. That is the step before me preaching for the congregation and them voting to call me. I'm excited. I'm also reminding myself that this is the third church this year that has gone this far with me. Then I remember that in the Acts passage yesterday, God said no to two locations and sent Paul to a third. I find myself wondering if this third time will be the right call for me. If it's not, I hope that I will be able to discern what it is that God wants of me.
Waiting isn't easy. It's a great opportunity, though, to learn patience. Of course, I thought I was already pretty patient.

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