Monday, May 3, 2010

The First Day at the Gift Shop

I got a call this afternoon from Supervisor to let me know Daughter was doing very well. I was pleased. When she got home, it was obvious she had mixed feelings about the whole thing. She complained, talked with excitement about plans, and finally told me how much she misses Flasher. While she waited for her bus at the workshop, a friend told her that Flasher injured himself at track practice yesterday. I'm sure that was part of what got her thinking about him. Her friend said he wasn't at the workshop today because of his injury, but I think it was because his mom followed through and pulled him out.
I enjoyed my day off with her safely at the gift shop. My new laptop arrived today, and I now have it up and running. My old laptop was slowly dying. This is the first time I've replaced an old one before it was completely dead. I also bought one designed for business use this time. I can thank Mom and Dad and their good money management for it.

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