Thursday, May 13, 2010

Facing the Stress

Daughter washed her ipod yesterday with her linens. I partially disassembled it and put it in a tub with some rice in hopes of salvaging it. I ordered a new one for me this morning, and will sell her my old one. Even if she hasn't earned it, I will loan it to her to take on Monday. She called late this morning, sobbing. It took a while before I could get her to calm down enough to talk to me. Without the ipod, she couldn't handle the noise and confusion at the gift shop-- which is much calmer than the workshop. I finally got her calmed down and gave her a plan for making it through the rest of the day. She didn't call again, so that was good.
I did my two most difficult nursing home calls today, sent in the registration for a conference we'll go to in July, and am going to take care of the final paper work for my estate. It will be good to have that completed. The church I'm really interested in called to set a date for me to preach at my friend's church. It will be the weekend of June 20. I'm excited, and I'm the first one they have called to set up a visit and interview. I feel good about this, and if the call doesn't come through, I'm going to take it as a sign that God does not want me to move right now and put my search on hold for a while. Doing the things that I've been avoiding and are stressing me always gives me a boost, as does the news of an interview.
I am working through my grief, and celebrating the time I had with my parents. I miss them. They are fine.


TobyBo said...

I hope you like your new iPod. We get a lot of use out of ours, too, in times of stress.

Reverend Mom said...

I'm looking forward to it. I'm surprised that Daughter doesn't seem to be too interested in getting a new one.