Thursday, April 8, 2010

Trying Hard

Daughter is trying so hard to hook me in to the workshop drama. This morning she was chipper when she got up, and was being cooperative. She kept calling me, "Your majesty," and bowing to me. She even commented on how it was a good day. I walked into the kitchen where she was unloading the dishwasher. She was crying. Huge crocodile tears. I asked her what was wrong. Of course she didn't respond right away. I had to ask several times as the crying intensified before she was able to speak and tell me the problem.
"I have to get a new job."
"I have to get a new job."
"Why do you have to get a new job?"
"Because of P-p-p-pregnant Best Friend. I can't be there with her."
"I'm sorry you're having problems with PBF. You have other friends there."
"No I don't. PBF has talked to all of them about me. I'm sorry. I know I'm not supposed to bring this stuff home."
"Did you lie to her?"
"Well, you have in the past."
"But I promised PBF and a small group that I would never lie to them again."
"Sometimes it takes a while for people to trust you again after you've lied to them so many times."
She gave up when she saw I wasn't going to buy into the drama. It's her responsibility, not mine.
She's off to the workshop and even managed to cheer up before the bus came. As she was going out the door. She had one last thing to say as she bowed to me. I'm trying to figure out whether she intended the literal meaning of I should take it as another sign of her challenges with proper use of some words. "I forbid you to have a good day, your majesty." Maybe it was Freudian....

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