Wednesday, October 27, 2010


I told Administrative Assistant today that she was to keep me from scheduling any meetings next week. Of course, I already know of at least one I have scheduled for next week. I'm afraid to look at my calendar and see what else is on it. I have had at least 2 commitments every day this week (each of them taking several hours). I am not getting the time I need in the office to do things like write a sermon and plan worship. I haven't had time to go get a new desk chair or even figure out business cards.
In my desire to do everything now, I'm pushing the limits of what is humanly possible. Next week I have to make time to follow through on whatever needs to happen to get Daughter into a program. Her anxiety level is so high right now-- she needs a schedule and routine. She needs to be busy. It's hard to find things for her to do at the church. Today Administrative Assistant got mad at the men who were cutting down trees around the church-- they were blocking the driveway as two different groups were arriving for events at the church. Daughter saw her anger and was terrified. She came in and knelt beside me and wrapped herself around me. She stayed in that position as I met with a ministry team leader about plans for the stewardship campaign. Normally she doesn't let people see her like that.
I left her at the church while I went to lunch with a woman and met one of the shut-ins. She was almost hysterical at the idea of me leaving her. One of the women who has been working in our yard stopped by the church and wanted Daughter to help her with some things at the house. They called me to see if it was alright if Daughter went with her. I thought it was a wonderful idea. This woman has a heart of gold, and she talked to Daughter. She promised Daughter that if she stopped wetting the bed she'd take her someplace this spring for the night or the weekend. She offered suggestions of things she could do to stop wetting the bed. Daughter told me about the conversation this evening. She was so happy, and feels like she has a special friend now. That's good.
When Daughter got back to the church, she helped stuff letters and cleaned my study. I was impressed. We had a guest for supper tonight. That went well. Tomorrow afternoon some men are coming to measure my patio door so I can order a replacement and they can get it installed. Right now it is screwed shut for security reasons. It will be nice to be able to use it.
I had lunch today with a delightful senior. She told me her goals in life when she was young: to have a pop-up toaster and a machine that brought moving pictures into the house. Her husband had both, so she told him that was why she married him. Years later, when she was looking for a new home, she wanted one with a front door and a back door. She is a retired social worker, and I thoroughly enjoyed my time with her.
Maybe, when I stop over scheduling myself and get Daughter settled into a program, I will write coherent posts on a regular schedule. I think I'm hitting my limits.

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