Monday, March 8, 2010

That Shows What Happens....

This morning Daughter woke up in a dry bed and was cooperative. As she ate breakfast, we had a conversation:
"That's three nights in a row I haven't wet the bed."
"That's great!"
"That shows what happens when I'm not as stressed and angry."
Sometimes she amazes me with the insights she has into her own behaviors. It would be nice if these insights would help her when she's in the midst of the acting out, but I guess that's expecting too much. She called me at lunch time today and demanded to know if I had my knee elevated. I told her I didn't at the moment (I was at lunch with a friend), but that I was fine. Yesterday she responded to my injury by being needy. I had to fix lunch and supper for her. Today she's showing more appropriate concern. When Sister called this morning, Daughter refused to give me the phone until I had my knee elevated. I'm not sure which response is more annoying: being needy, or being bossy. I am cautiously optimistic that the new medication is beginning to work. Maybe it won't be another full month before she's stable.

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