Thursday, March 18, 2010


Daughter turned depressed and tired at the workshop this afternoon. Case Manager told them, "Of course she's tired. She's been up since 4:00 a.m.!" She has asked CM to tell Flasher she doesn't want to have anything to do with him. We suspect that she is afraid she isn't strong enough to break up with him herself. She called me around 2:30 to tell me about Flasher's letter. I told her we could talk about it tonight, I was busy. She was very offended that he called me names. Apparently, she's the only one who is allowed to call me names.
The agency that provides respite is unable to provide anyone for the 3 days I requested. So, I'm hiring C, my personal assistant/housecleaner/organizer/whatever to come stay with her 2 days next week so I can work. Daughter knows C, and C knows Daughter. While Daughter was in the hospital C hung up all the clothes on her closet floor. Daughter had dumped some more clothes on her closet floor, so I threatened her with C.
C came tonight and we once again cleared of my desk and got some items ready to go in the mail. We also talked. As C knows, part of the reason I hired her was because I knew she was depressed and struggling. I wanted to give her something to do and sneak in some pastoral counseling. It has been beneficial for both of us. Some days there's more pastoral counseling, some days there is more work that gets done.
Because C was here calling Daughter to task, Daughter finished the laundry she didn't fold this morning. She hung up the clothes in her closet. When I yawned she told C I was tired because she kept waking me up. It may be a blessing that the agency didn't have anyone available. C will do a wonderful job with Daughter and hold her accountable. If she can cover Tuesday and Wednesday, I should be able to get the work done I need to be ready for Holy Week.
Secretary saw a surgeon yesterday about her knee. They wanted to schedule her surgery for Holy Week, but she told them her preacher wouldn't let her have surgery Holy Week, so they pushed it off until after Easter. I only feel a little bit guilty-- and a whole lot grateful!

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