Friday, March 19, 2010

Phone Calls

Daughter was at the workshop today, so I was supposed to be able to work uninterrupted. She called a little after lunch to tell me she needed to go to the hospital. Her blood sugars were off and she had a headache. I assured her she didn't need to go to the hospital and told her to focus on something else and she'd feel better.
The nurse called to tell me about yesterday's accident report and that Daughter was complaining about not feeling well today. "It's attention seeking behavior. Help her focus on something else."
I was visiting with some of the saints at the nursing home and Daughter called. I told her I was busy. She had some questions. After she told me for the third time she had questions but wouldn't tell me what they were and ignored me when I told her I was busy, I informed her I'd see her when she got home and hung up on her.
Overall, it's been a productive day. In addition to pastoral care over breakfast, I've done 3 nursing home visits and worked on the Easter Sunrise service. The youth group is gathering at the church from 7 until 11 tonight. We're going to work on Easter Sunrise, eat pizza, and play games. It will be fun. I'm sure Daughter will try to make a scene.
I'm not looking forward to her being home for the next 5 days. I haven't gotten my sermon done for Sunday, so I will be busy working on that tomorrow. She won't like that at all. Maybe I can get her to sleep all morning after she's up late tonight over at the church. Therapist told her that if she continued to phone me multiples times a day from the workshop, it would tell us she couldn't handle being there. She may not be able to handle being there, but I think she can cope with that better than I can cope with her being home with me 7 days a week.
Cat is not doing well, and that is hanging over our head. She wants to take him over to the church tonight in case he dies. I assured her he'd be fine at home, and pointed out he was alone much of the day while I was out doing my visits. I think she thinks I sit home and eat candy and play computer games all day while she's gone. I wish.


Anonymous said...

Why does she like going to the hospital so much? Do they pamper her or does she just want to escape from her "responsibilities?"

Reverend Mom said...

I think she gets attention there-- from staff and from me. Her hospitalizations totally mess up my schedule, and that makes her feel powerful. Also, when she was quite young, her birth mom thought being a good mom meant taking your kids to the doctor all the time. When she's regressing, she falls back into that pattern.