Monday, March 15, 2010


Daughter was home with me today. She wet the bed last night, and has now managed to soak so much that it takes 2 loads to get her linens washed. We picked up Cat this afternoon. Cat doesn't like the special diet. So it's going to be a challenge to keep him going. I brought some of it home, and have mixed it with his regular food. He turned his nose up at it, but Kitten liked it, of course.
We saw Therapist this afternoon. We made plans for the meeting at the workshop tomorrow. I'm going to ask for daily reports on her work output and on her ability to separate herself from Flasher. We've been very clear that if she can't stay away from him, she won' t be able to be at the workshop on the days he is there.
I'm waiting for a phone call from the church I've been talking to. I figure if I don't get a phone call by Wednesday, I can expect a rejection letter. God will provide the right place at the right time. Hopefully soon.

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