Thursday, June 16, 2011


Today we go to court to officially make me Daughter's guardian. Daughter is exceedingly anxious about it. There have been lots of tears over the last 24 hours, lots of reassurance, and it's still very hard on her. She claims it's triggering her PTSD of other court dates. I don't know if that's true, but I'm trying to be patient and understanding. A number of people have explained to her what will happen and that it's not a big deal. Last night she was insisting she wouldn't go into the court room. This morning she tried to convince me she was too nervous to eat breakfast (she did eat). I expected her to be wet this morning, given her anxiety level, but she was dry. I see that as a good sign.
I'm just looking forward to having this finally done. It's been hanging over my head since she turned 18 6 years ago. It was an expensive thing to do when we lived in Tiny Village. Here, the only thing it is costing me is time, which is why I haven't done it sooner.
Progress toward my goal of the 5K: it's pouring rain, so I won't be able to walk outside this morning. I did do 30 minutes on the wii, including almost 1000 steps on the free step. Tomorrow morning I'll double the time on the free step.

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