Sunday, June 27, 2010

Welcoming Visitors

Today was our VBS program. It is always the biggest attendance of the summer, and there are always a number of visitors who come to it. The last few years we've had it in the basement-- it's cooler, and it's all decorated from the week. I checked our attendance the last few years on VBS Sunday, and told them we'd need to set up for at least 100 people.
I went over there today, and there were chairs set up for 80 people. 80. For visitors to feel welcome, they have to know that they are expected and that there is a place for them. The planners couldn't understand why I insisted they set up more chairs. They suggested we just wait and bring them out if they were needed. I insisted, and they brought out more chairs. We ended up having 125 people present today.
This congregation really has a difficult time doing the things that make the church welcoming to visitors. They arrive early so that they can sit in the back pews. Visitors are forced to come up front. Sometimes I feel like I'm banging my head against a brick wall. Part of the issue is that most of the people grew up in the church. They've never had the experience of being a first time visitor, so they don't understand how it feels.
However, I need to shift my attention and focus on the fact that the kids did a great job and the program went well. The visitors were very complimentary of the program and my meditation on what it means to follow Jesus and what we need to do to teach our children to follow Christ. I'll focus on those things, and hope that eventually some of the things I've been saying for the past 14 years will sink in. If I can hold onto hope for Daughter, I can hold onto hope for the church.

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