Sunday, June 13, 2010

A Dilemma

I have an appointment at 8:30 tomorrow morning with the orthopedic surgeon in City. I'll have to leave about 7:45. When I made the appointment, I thought I could leave Daughter alone for a few minutes until the bus arrived. But right now she's telling me in every way she can not to trust her. Last night she got up during the night, found the keys, and raided the file cabinet where I have my chocolate. Then she lied to me about it. She told me she wasn't in it, and I just looked at her and said, "Bring it back." She pulled out the bag. I said, "The stealing and lying have to stop."
I decided I wanted to eat out today, and that I needed to go the grocery store, so I took her with me. At the restaurant she checked her blood sugar. When I asked what it was, she told me 69. I told her I needed to see the meter. It was 169. I don't want to drag her with me to City. I had planned to stop and pick up a few things on the way home. Right now, I don't want her in the same room with me, let alone in the car and such.
As we left the restaurant she said, "I have an idea, why don't we make each other's lives hell this summer." I asked what I was doing to make her life hell. She couldn't tell me. I pointed out she was the only one who was making her life hell. She observed that she'd spent most of the summer in the deep hole. I acknowledged that was true, and she was the only one who could get herself out.
She's doing chores now, hoping to finally pay off the ipod. I'd like to think she was turning it around. But she rallied yesterday evening to become somewhat cooperative, too. Until she started her midnight wanderings. I thought her door alarm was set last night. I may have slept through it, or she may have disarmed it. I'll have to double check tonight. I guess I can look forward to her company when I go to City tomorrow.
On a brighter note, I was pleased with the way worship went this morning. We had several visitors-- people who grew up in the church and have moved away. In fact, we had 3 different family groups represented. My trial sermon for next Sunday will be on Elijah's burnout. I think I'll be able to relate to that one.

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