Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Eenie, meenie, minie.....

Pick a reason. Daughter is struggling again. She called me about lunch time and wanted me to come get her because she was remembering things. I told her she needed to distract herself and to get out her ipod. Yesterday she lied to me about having made her bed (she's wetting the bed about every other night now). Today she came home and demanded to go back to the workshop because she can't stand to be away from her friends (many of whom are no longer attending the workshop).
Among the possible reasons for the decline:
  1. Concerns about Birth Brother in the army that were triggered by the Memorial Day Services yesterday.
  2. PMS. Her period apparently started today.
  3. The upcoming anniversary of my Mom's death (June 9th).
  4. Contact with friends made possible when I gave her her cell phone back.
  5. Concern about Sub being at the gift shop all week while Super Supervisor is on vacation.
  6. A delayed reaction to the full moon on May 27 (I looked it up).
  7. Fear brought on by her success (she told me today that she's not comfortable when she's happy because it isn't really her.)
  8. The return of psychosis (she thought I was calling her this evening when I wasn't-- often a warning sign of psychosis-- I made up something so she wouldn't know I hadn't called her.)

She's supposedly trying to turn it around by doing her chores properly tonight. I hope she succeeds. I told her I know it's hard when Sub is in at the gift shop, but she wasn't going to leave the gift shop because of Sub. I also addressed some of the other possible causes. She told me she doesn't know what the problem is. I think that's an honest answer. It would be nice if I could determine the cause, but I probably won't ever know. We'll deal with the behavior and see if she can turn it around.


maeve said...

I've learned so much from you. Just so you know that. M.

Reverend Mom said...

I can say the same of you. Friends are good.