Friday, June 11, 2010


Daughter became unresponsive on the bus this afternoon. The squad was called and she was transported to the ER. Vitals and all labs were normal. I didn't kill her, either. I figured that since she was in the ER, they'd resuscitate her. Plus, there would be witnesses. She was mad at Super Supervisor, and I didn't offer sympathy when she called to complain. I told her she had to work it out with SS. She told the squad not to call me because I was too busy and she isn't worth it. For some reason, I'm tired. It could be a very long weekend.


maeve said...

Oh for heaven's sake. She does know how to escalate, doesn't she?? What is she trying to accomplish, do you have any idea? This behavior is so Borderline. My Molly was in every single ER that she ever lived near. Sorry I can't be more helpful. She's now playing triangulation games with Miss K. I'm watching CSI closely to plan the perfect crime.

maeve said...

Oh, and just to say, you have my empathy and good thoughts. I would not want to live that life again, especially with your responsibilities. I remember standing on a podium in front of hundreds of people and just wanting to cry. It was Greg Keck talking about trauma and I was in charge. Miss Molly was missing and had been for a week. Worst days of my life.

Reverend Mom said...

I guess it helps to know you've survived. I wish I had some hope, but right now the future is looking pretty dismal for her.

Miz Kizzle said...

Oh, that's awful! I'm sorry for you, you must be exhausted.
My fifty-cent analysis? She's worried about your health issues so she's pretending to be sicker than you so you'll have to take care of her instead of having your operation.. Not good but understandable. She must be very afraid of losing you.

Reverend Mom said...

Miz Kizzle,

Thank you. That gives me a bit of hope-- there is a reason. It's easier to deal with this when I know the reason.