Tuesday, June 8, 2010

He's Back!

I was outside grilling when Daughter came looking for me. She was crying. "What's wrong?" It took a few minutes before she could talk. "It's about that person you don't like."
"What's going on with Flasher?"
"I was talking to Nice Guy and Flasher isn't safe in his home with his family."
"Why isn't he safe?"
"He's not allowed to talk to any of his friends or be in sports or anything."
Of course, she told me again that her life isn't complete without a boyfriend, and that Flasher is her one true love. It took a while, but I finally convinced her that Flasher had probably brought this on himself. At least he won't be contacting her. If he really isn't allowed to do sports, I may let her do softball this year. We'll see.

1 comment:

Miz Kizzle said...

How does not being allowed to talk to his friends or to play softball make Flasher unsafe in his home? He's not being abused or endangered; he's paying the price for some very bad decisions. There's a huge difference.
It amazes me how people like your DD are able to remember the "therapy-speak" phrases and use them to try and justify what they want but they don't (or they pretend they don't) understand what the phrases really mean.