Saturday, April 2, 2011

More Thoughts on the Party and Chores

Tomorrow we'll have Sister, Short Niece, Sister Best Friend and her Husband here to celebrate Daughter's birthday. Sister and Short Niece will be here for worship, Sister Best Friend will come when she finishes her responsibilities at her church. Brother, Sister-in-law, and Baby Nephew are doubtful. Daughter was expressing anxiety over the party again today. I'm trying to keep it low key. We're cleaning the house, I baked a cake and made baked beans, and then I bought ham, smoked turkey breast and potato salad. She told me today she was afraid there would be drama. She hears the conversations I have with siblings, and knows that there are times when some poor decisions are made.


I think more than that, though, she's uncomfortable with being the point of the celebration. It's okay if we have a birthday cake for her at Easter, but to have family gather just for her, that's different. I finally told her that the only way there would be drama would be if she created it, and if she did, I'd send her to her room or the basement and I'd enjoy having family here. That ended the protests.


She "cleaned" the bathroom, and then I went behind her and cleaned the things she didn't clean even after I pointed them out. I've about ready to give up on getting her to clean anything around here. I'm tired of playing the game. She tries to get away with doing as little as possible while insisting she did the whole thing properly. When I point out the things she's missed, she starts yelling about how only God is perfect and I expect too much. Maybe it is too much to expect her to clean the toothpaste out of the bathroom sink when she cleans the bathroom. I've been reluctant to let her win this one, but the ongoing battle is getting to be too much.


She has gone to bed, and I'm enjoying the peace and quiet in front of the fireplace. This may be the last fire until fall. I hope it will soon be warm enough I don't want to build fires....


Miz Kizzle said...

You do more cooking in one day than I do in a month.
I hope the party goes well and is drama free on all fronts.

Reverend Mom said...

Thanks! It went well. I *love* to cook. Cooking has a beginning, an end, and something to show for it.