Friday, April 1, 2011


Daughter had a doctor's appointment today. Her blood work was good. Her thyroid is enlarged and has some cysts, but no cause for alarm. I'm not very happy with my pharmacy right now. When the doctor's office called about getting prior authorization, they told them we didn't need prior authorization. We don't for my insurance, but we do for medicaid. As a result, I spent another $100 plus out of pocket to cover Daughter's prescriptions this month. I'm going to go have a conversation with the pharmacy, obviously. I may need to change to the one that the agency uses, but the location and hours are very inconvenient. This one is between the church and our home. On a more positive note, her appointment was at 9:00 on the other side of town. I dropped her off at her program by 9:30. Now I'm cooking and cleaning and watching a worker struggle with my TV.


It's nice, having this day at home without Daughter. I can leave food unlocked. I can enjoy peace and quiet. I got to watch some yellow finches at the bird feeder today. I really do love my house. I realized that with all the trees in my backyard I can look out and be reminded of camping. A wonderful reminder and a mini vacation right in my own family room.

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