Wednesday, September 21, 2011


I had a couple of texts today from program manager. Daughter wasn't feeling good, Daughter was sleeping, should they make Daughter eat.

Daughter didn't call me. She didn't call me all day. When I picked her up to bring her to see Therapist, she was happy. She told me that respite had not gone well. A woman was dropped off in the middle of the night and tried to come sleep in Daughter's room, waking her up. Someone else spent most of the night screaming, making it difficult to sleep.

She asked me to find a different place for her to stay next time. She didn't try to lay a guilt trip on me. She didn't tell me I should never leave her again. She isn't complaining about the need to go back to the church for Bible study. Her therapist was double booked, so she had to wait longer. She didn't complain or protest. She requested Chinese food for supper when we leave, but told me whatever I chose would be fine.

I'm impressed. I'm also very grateful. Maybe we've weathered this storm.

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