Sunday, September 11, 2011

Fall Kick Off

Today was the beginning of our fall program. We have been preparing for it for weeks, as we're going to spend the next ten weeks focusing on building a spiritual house. For September we're focusing on our spiritual lives, so today the focus was on learning. As part of our focus, we're "building" a spiritual house out of the boxes that contain a case of paper. Each box is labeled by as specific building stones. Today we had Christ, our Cornerstone, learning, and you as stones we added.

Several weeks ago, we decided that in order to have room to build our building (which will have 21 boxes when it's done), that we needed to change where I did the children's sermon, so we reversed it with the little podium I use to hold my sermon notes. As in many churches, there are many people who sit in the same spot each week. There are two couples who always sat in the row right behind me (I sit in the front row by my podium when I'm not leading). This morning was crazy. We thought we were prepared, but there are always things that come up. I had people who needed me to witness them signing off on the child protection policy. I needed to make sure we had people to lead the dedication of the Gathering Room. There were questions about how we were handling communion. I had volunteers setting up music and a slide show in the Gathering Room following worship, and I needed to make sure they knew what they were doing. A couple was going to talk about the importance of learning, and add a stone to our spiritual house. In short, it was chaotic. When I finally made my way up to my seat, I was delighted to discover the two couples had moved over so they were still sitting directly behind me. And they were pleased that I'd noticed. They said, "You can't escape us!" It made me smile.

Overall, the morning went well. There were a couple of minor glitches, but nothing major. I think our fall is off to a good start. Have I mentioned lately that I love my job?

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