Wednesday, May 18, 2011

The New Boyfriend

Daughter has a new boyfriend. He's 48 years old. He wants to buy us dinner and give Daughter a friendship ring. The two of them are going to the "prom" together. He's bought her ticket and ordered a corsage. He calls multiple times a day. As is typical, Daughter wants us a boyfriend, but is uncomfortable with his desire to talk to her regularly. She wants the status symbol without the emotional demands. Fortunately, he's only at her program 1 day a week, which minimizes their time together.

I hope they can stay together until after the prom on June 3rd. Beyond that, I anticipate they will be breaking up. She was rather dismayed when she found out how old he is. She doesn't like the emotional demands. She does want a boyfriend for the big dance. I'm taking them to the dance. I'm not looking forward to the evening at all. I will go, though, to manage Daughter's insulin. I think the boyfriend dramas are among the most frustrating for me. She sees me happily single. I wish that she would view me as her role model in this area. It certainly would reduce the drama.

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