Sunday, March 6, 2011


I headed out to church this morning, and when I tried to stop at the first signal light, I discovered the roads were a solid sheet of ice. Attendance was down, but everyone who made it came in with a story to tell. One couple passed 2 cars in the ditch on their road. I'm glad they didn't stop (they did see that the drivers were okay and on cell phones), as they are an elderly couple who were more likely to hurt themselves than help the people in the other vehicles.
Daughter's blood sugar is slowly coming down. She's grouchy today. She says she doesn't know how she feels. She's slept with head in my lap since we got home from church. Administrative Assistant will be leaving the state for a funeral this week. She doesn't know yet when the service will be or how long she will be gone. While Daughter slept, I finished getting the bulletin ready for next Sunday. I have a couple coming here to the house for pre-marital counseling this evening. Daughter is not happy about that. I thought it was better than dragging her back to the church this evening. I was supposed to see them Thursday evening, but cancelled because of Daughter's illness.
The plan is for her to return to her program tomorrow. I think I'm going to tell them that if she's too tired after the morning, they can send her up to sleep in my office in the afternoon. She had a fever again yesterday evening. I may need to call the doctor's office tomorrow. This is taking much longer than either of us anticipated. Of course, she may be feeling fine and just playing the sympathy card at this point. It is a challenge, figuring out what is going on with her.
I hope everyone is having a wonderful Sunday!

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