Monday, February 1, 2010


I don't think this call is going to come through. That is probably a very good thing. The church would be very challenging. Very challenging. God knows best, of course.
Daughter continues to have problems with wetting herself. Brother got a call from her after church yesterday-- she was in the restroom and needed me to bring her clean clothes. My cell phone was still turned off from worship. She wet herself again at 4:00 this morning. I bought a kit to test to see if she had a UTI, which would be a convenient excuse and an easy fix. Unfortunately, she doesn't.
Today we're at my good friends' home. They both have things to do this morning, so Daughter and I are going shopping. This afternoon KJK and I will work on worship planning and Daughter will entertain herself with DVD's and video games. B was headed up to the shower. I told him as he passed the room where Daughter was sleeping to tell her if she got up, I'd take her shopping. He came down a minute later chuckling. He said he got no response until he mentioned shopping, then she was wide awake and ready to go.
I'm frustrated with the ongoing wetting problems. It's not one that is easily fixed. At this point, I'm telling her regularly to go to the bathroom. I'm ready for what's next-- her next physical symptom, the next church that is interested in me, my next call to begin. I'm ready to move on.


Linda said...

This must be so frustrating. First the seizures, now this. Even when a change is one that is wanted and a good thing, it's still change. Wish I had some answers for you- Good Luck!

Reverend Mom said...

Thanks. As you know, there are no easy answers with our kids. We just have to take it one day at a time. Sometimes the days are very long....