Tuesday, February 23, 2010

A Champion Sneak

If Daughter applied her ingenuity to something constructive, there would be no stopping her. Some examples from a one hour time period today:
She came home from work and claimed she was in a fight at the workshop. She says she got kicked and her ankle was injured. Interestingly, she didn't bring home an incident report and I didn't get a phone call. I doubt there was a fight.
She was supposed to be putting her linens (yes, she wet the bed last night) into the dryer. It was too quiet. I went to investigate and she was on her way to her bedroom. By the time I got upstairs, she was standing there, the picture of innocence. She finally pulled a jar of low sugar grape jelly and a spoon out from under her bed.
I have been impressed, because she has been taking the clean laundry upstairs right away without me bugging her. I've watched her walk by me carrying the basket with clothes on hangers hanging over the edges. It turns out that she was hanging up my clothes and occasionally a few of hers. She was wadding up the rest of the clothes and dumping them on the floor of her closet. I hadn't inspected her closet floor because I saw her taking proper care of the clean clothes (shows how much I know).
I was making supper and the recipe called for saltine crackers. I couldn't find the plastic container of saltines. I was puzzled. When I was upstairs to get the jelly, I had double checked her other hiding places. Turns out she's found a new one in the upstairs TV room.
She finally admitted why her blood sugar was high before supper yesterday. While she was getting some of her sugar free drink, she also helped herself to a large quantity of milk (drunk straight from the container. She's upstairs cleaning her bedroom properly. I've told her if she completes her chores, we'll watch a show we have on DVR.
I'm not going to go on the retreat. There isn't time to adequately train staff people to handle Daughter. We're going to rewrite Daughter's ISP (individual service plan) to make her needs clearer.
I will have respite for the following Saturday while I go to an interview. I'm telling Daughter I have a meeting. I hope that will make it easier if this is another church that doesn't come through.

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