Around 3:00 this morning I woke up. I noticed the bathroom light was on, and that Daughter had moved to the other side of the bed. I figured that meant she'd wet the bed. She had. Sister took the wet things home to wash after our shopping expedition and lunch. On the way back to the motel, Daughter said she needed to use the restroom, but could make it back here. So we get up to our room and I have to remind Daughter that she said she needed to go. Once reminded, the urge was too great and she ended up wetting herself. They're picking us up in an hour, and she was wearing the only pair of dress pants she brought. I rinsed them out in the sink with shampoo, and now they're downstairs in the dryer.
What do you do with a 22 year who has suddenly lost her toilet training? Sometimes it's just exhausting. Note to KJK: I think she'll use your air mattress while we're there-- we have a sleeping bag in the car....
On a cheerier note, another interested church, and I am now properly made up, at a cost that was more than 2 nights in this motel. Unfortunately, the lipstick didn't make it into the bag. Sister went back to the store to pick it up for me. I'll have it for tomorrow. It's a good thing I am so laid back and easy going. I think everyone is worried about this interview but me. We'll be picked up for it in less than an hour now. It will be fine....
Our kids really are good at teaching us flexibility aren't they? Let us know how it goes!
Thanks. I am comfortable with how it went. I think I would be a good fit, but we'll see what God thinks....
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