Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Finding an Audience

So Daughter called me at noon today. She had something she had to tell me. She was obviously struggling with getting whatever it was out, so I offered a suggestion.
"You decided to give Nice Guy another chance."
"H-E- double hockey sticks no!"
I was surprised. She finally told me he beat her. She claims that when they went to the movie Monday, he hit her in the parking lot after the movie. Now I take most things Daughter tells me with a grain of salt. This story was vague, and changing. She hadn't said anything when she came home, and she hadn't seemed upset. She snuggled with him on the couch after I told them they needed to wait until November to talk about marriage. She is no longer in the relationship. In short, anything that happened wasn't too major, and she's no longer in a relationship with him.
So tonight Daughter talked to Sister and told her about all of this. She found an audience. Sister wants me to call the police, storm the workshop, and I'm not sure what else. I assured Sister that there was no reason for concern. I'm sure she thinks I'm totally incompetent.
On a cheerier note, Daughter told me she had a little seizure at the workshop today. Someone went and got Supervisor, who told her quite firmly to stop it and take some deep breaths. Daughter was impressed by her tone of voice, and the seizure stopped. Maybe I could get Supervisor to talk to Sister....

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