Sunday, January 10, 2010


Some days I feel like I'm juggling, trying to keep up with my responsibilities as a pastor and my responsibilities as a Daughter. This morning's juggling was especially challenging. Before worship I was talking to some people when suddenly I was called to the other side of the church. Daughter wasn't responding. She was sitting there in the pew, blank. I finally got her to move a bit and saw a few words.
Part way through the service I looked out and once again the woman sitting next to her is trying to get her to respond. I can see her left arm twitching. The woman looked up at me with a look of panic and shook her head. Two women were singing a duet, so I walked down to tend to Daughter. She still wasn't very with it when the music ended and I had to go up front. The woman with her escorted her out to the restroom, so I knew she was now capable of movement. Another woman got up and followed.
While we were singing the hymn before the sermon, one of them came out to tell me Daughter was now talking and responding to them. I felt like a ten ton weight had been lifted from me. I made it through the rest of the worship service, but decided not to stay for Sunday School. No one was surprised, of course. There were expressions of concern from some of the members, and pointed silence from those who don't approve of the way I'm handling Daughter.
One of the women escorted Daughter home after worship and stayed with her until I got here. She is now asleep with her head on my shoulder. I will let her sleep for a while, and then I will wake her up for lunch. We have to go to Town this afternoon. I need to get groceries and stuff for youth group tonight.
Daughter has been doing so much sleeping during the day that she's not sleeping well at night. She's been raiding the kitchen, and her morning blood sugars have reflected it. I'm going to have to get a new door alarm for her. Now here's the terrible part. I find myself wondering if she was really having a seizure or she was just being dramatic to get attention. Sometimes I get tired of juggling.


Anonymous said...


Reverend Mom said...

Thanks. Hugs are always appreciated.