Monday, January 25, 2010

Productive Day

Today when C came, I decided that rather than do more cleaning and organizing, we would work in the kitchen. So we cleaned the kitchen and cooked. We made jello, refried beans, tamales, and lasagna rolls. Everything but the jello is in the freezer. When C left, I picked up Daughter for appointment with Psychiatrist in Big City. We're reducing the Depakote with the goal of eliminating it to try to get rid of the tremors.
We came back to Town to see Therapist, who worked with Daughter on expressing her feelings rather than coming up with physical symptoms. Daughter told Therapist that she's praying every night for me to get this new church. Her fear is not that we'll move, but that we won't. God knows what is best, as I keep reminding Daughter. I hope God's idea of what is best coincides with Daughter's idea, or I'll have a very disappointed Daughter. I have developed a tic in my left eye. I think it has something to do with a huge amount to accomplish in a limited amount of time and the uncertainty of whether we will be moving....

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