Monday, November 2, 2009

Her First Day Back

Daughter called me about 2:00. They didn't have work, and she was bored, but she wasn't crying. She asked if I would come pick her up. No. I'm not going to take 45 minutes out of my day because she's bored. She offered to do house work if I'd pick her up. I declined the offer. She came home and took a nap-- I think the day wore her out. She has been relatively cooperative this evening, so that's good.
C and I spent 4 hours in my study today. I cleaned out three file drawers, and dealt with all the papers that were piled up in the study and dining room. We filled the recycling bin and 7 paper grocery bags with papers (many shredded) to be recycled. I assured her I could keep her busy until she finds a full time job. She pointed out that in the current economy that could take a while.
It feels good to be bringing order to the chaos that has surrounded me. There is still work to do in the study, but the desk is now cleared off and I can work at it for the first time in several months. It feels like I'm slowly moving beyond the grief and stress of the last few years and engaging life again.

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