Thursday, December 8, 2011

Blue Christmas

Last night we had a Blue Christmas service. This service is for those who find the holidays difficult for whatever reason. This is the first time I did it here, but I have led them a number of times over the years.
Daughter called yesterday evening. She had ended up going to program yesterday. She was back on her, "I need a break," mantra. When she found out that the Blue Christmas service was last night, she insisted she always had liked that service and needed to attend. She was not pleased when I refused to go get her for the service. I told her I was looking forward to seeing her tonight for choir.
I think she is settling in nicely. She is calling less frequently, and is not working as hard to hook me. It looks like she figured out I'm not going to buy into her drama.
I was supposed to go to a seminar today, but the speaker had to cancel due to illness, so I have received the gift of a day. Administrative Assistant took vacation day today, so I've been dealing with the office. I've had a steady stream of visitors and phone calls this morning. They've been good interruptions. Two men gathered up the toys the congregation donated to deliver them to the appropriate agency. Plans are being made to begin painting the fellowship hall at the beginning of January, and the enthusiasm for the project and its size are growing steadily. The two medical social workers in the congregation are collaborating on a program about issues of aging, and we had to coordinate possible dates and structure of the program. The treasurer and I had an extended conversation about the budget and why I want to change the process for finalizing it. The nursing home where we lead worship once a month delivered a thank you poinsettia. I offered suggestions to a man wanting to strengthen his small group. I've managed to write a one paragraph newsletter article in between the ministry opportunities (none of which were planned).

I'm hoping things will calm down this afternoon so I can get the sermon finalized. I want to spend tomorrow and Saturday on cleaning, decorating, and baking for the open house on the 18th. I don't know if I've said it recently, but I love my life!

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