Wednesday, August 31, 2011


Two people have quit Daughter's program because of her outbursts. A number of others are very disturbed by them. Program Manager asked Case Manager to look at options. Case Manager has asked for additional staffing until Daughter is more stable. This would enable them to pull Daughter out of the larger group for smaller group activities or one on one time.
I'm glad the options we are exploring don't involve kicking Daughter out of the program. I pointed out that it would be important to find the right person to work with her, as the wrong person could escalate things. We hope that the medication changes will work quickly. We hope. I didn't give her the sleeping pill last night (her choice). When I went to bed, she was asleep. I took off her glasses and turned off her light. When I got up to go the bathroom, she was asleep, but her light was back on. This morning she's trying to convince me she can't go to her program. She says she doesn't feel good-- she can't stay awake. She's going to her program. Hopefully she'll feel better once she gets moving. If she sleeps when she gets to her program, they can enjoy a day of peace....

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