Thursday, August 18, 2011

Educating Staff

Today I went over to Daughter's program at lunch time and did an in-service with the staff about her diabetes. I explained why we do things the way we do things. I explained that she has type 1, not type 2, and it is different. I explained that it is immediately life threatening and the dangers of low blood sugars and high blood sugars. They were very attentive. The one who never stops talking was silent. The others asked questions. I took them a page and a half of information, and had copies for each of them. They asked for an extra copy. When the new staff member starts, I will go back and repeat the training.
Daughter was very difficult this morning. She was anxious about me talking to staff. She chose to sit in on the meeting. She left as we were winding down, and then came back in and had a melt down. She ended up kneeling beside me with her head in my lap sobbing. That is the position she assumes when she wants me to comfort her. But then she got up, pulled herself together, and stayed for the rest of the day.
I took her to a Chinese restaurant tonight. I mowed the lawn. She did some trimming and edging, and is now finishing up the sweeping. She tried to convince me it was my turn to sweep and she'd done her share. I informed her that next week she could do all the mowing and I'd trim and edge and sweep. She immediately backed down, and insisted she'd just been teasing and had never meant it. It was amusing, watching her try to clarify. She was horrified by the thought of mowing.

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