Tuesday, February 15, 2011

What Happened to Monday?

As you might have noticed, I didn't blog yesterday. I intended to, but I intended to do many things that didn't get done. I had a long to do list. God had a different to do list. Obviously, my to do list got set aside. The longer I'm here the more people drop in for conversations. Many of these conversations have to do with places of deep pain. It is an honor to be entrusted with these stories, to offer a different perspective that eases some of the pain.
I remember hearing a story of a young pastor who complained that it was impossible to do ministry with all the interruptions. A wiser, older pastor told the young pastor that the interruptions were the ministry.
I took Daughter out for supper for Valentine's Day before coming back to the church for evening meetings. We also stopped at a craft store and I helped her buy a set of black velvet pictures to color. There are 8 small pictures, and the kit also had markers. These will stay at the church for her to work on during meetings. We got the church at 7:00 yesterday morning, and didn't leave until 9:00 yesterday evening. Daughter handled it-- I think because she did get that attention from me at supper.
I was a little frustrated with her program yesterday. Last week they came to tell me she was out of insulin pen needles. I gave her 5, and told them they had to keep track of them and let me know when she needed more, they couldn't rely on Daughter to relay the information. I also reminded them that they will soon be moving to a new building, and I will not have the freedom to run over there to bring them supplies.
I knew that she would be out of needles yesterday, but was frustrated that they hadn't notified me. I was prepared with extra needles, but didn't tell Daughter. Sure enough, at lunchtime Daughter came up to my study with a staff member seeking needles. Now at the time there was a man seated at my work table and we were obviously working on a project, and another man was standing in the doorway, needing information. It didn't phase Daughter, but it did bother the staff person. Once again I stated that they had to figure it out, because I couldn't drop everything to bring Daughter needles after they moved the program.
The staff person showed up later that afternoon with a piece of paper telling me how long the needles would last, so I'd be able to send additional needles before they ran out. At least she got the message.

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