Saturday, February 12, 2011

Rise and Shine, and Give God the Glory

Today Daughter did not get up when I turned on her light and pulled off the covers. It is Saturday, and I was making her get up at the normal time. I didn't want to get up either. So I got to sing-- Rise and Shine, complete with all the verses about Noah and the flood. Then I moved on to This Is the Day. I asked if she had any requests. She was begging me to stop, but with a chuckle in her voice. She got up and into the shower, and was cheerful and cooperative. It was a long day. We left the church at 7:45 and didn't get back until 4:45.
Daughter spent the morning with her head on my shoulder snoozing. After lunch she asked if she could sit in one of the comfortable seats outside the meeting room. I allowed it. She saw some friends we know from the conference we attend every year. A colleague from back in my days in Inner City was there-- she remembers Daughter as a toddler. I reminded her that was over 20 years ago-- we can't figure out how we got so old.
A church officer went with us, and he honored me with his story on the way there. I love hearing the stories. It helps to understand and hopefully better minister to their needs.
I have ordered pizza which is on it's way here right now (I love their order status updates). Now I get to finalize my preparations for worship tomorrow. Daughter is in a cheery mood. Pretty amazing considering she spent the day at a boring meeting. It's amazing how much better life is when we don't begin the day with a battle.

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