Sunday, February 20, 2011

Interesting Conversations and Random Thoughts

Yesterday Daughter informed me she wasn't my property. I informed her that that was right, she was my Daughter. I explained that property isn't important and I don't worry about it the way I do members of my family. That led into a conversation about why I adopted her. I again reassured her that I am glad she's my daughter.
This evening she asked me to read her a story. She said she was feeling like she was 3 years old for some reason. She was almost 3 when she came to me, so she's back at the age when she first felt safe. I read her Love You Forever. She went to bed content.
Random thoughts:
The snow is still falling. I turned on the patio light so I could watch it fall. It's beautiful. Once again my driveway has been cleared by a neighbor with a snow blower. He rang the bell to ask about my new windows. He's considering getting windows, too.
I have often wondered if the fireplace really makes much difference in the temperature. Tonight we got our answer-- the bedrooms are very cold this evening. The family room, kitchen, and hall are all warmer because of the fire I've kept going all evening.
I'm hoping we'll be able to leave the house tomorrow to get away from the caulk fumes. It would be nice if I could open the windows and air it out. I need spring to return!
I'm continuing to have fun preaching with PowerPoint. I realized today how much I've come to rely on the images when I had to adapt the sermon for the assisted living service where I wouldn't have PowerPoint.
I met with some people after worship about dramas we're going to do during Lent. The enthusiasm for the project is growing. On March 13th we kick it off with the story of the temptations Jesus faced following his 40 days in the wilderness after his baptism. One of the men has volunteered to be Satan-- he will interrupt the sermon at various points to defend himself. It's going to be fun. I have most of the parts filled.
We have developed a brochure to publicize what's going on during Lent. A number of people have signed up for the Lenten study, and I'm going to do it at noon and in the evenings on Wednesdays during Lent.
We continue to have visitors in worship, and the congregation continues to offer them a very warm greeting.
One of the women wants to go to lunch with me this week. She wants to better understand Daughter.

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