Saturday, November 27, 2010


Today Mom would have been 80. I really thought that this year would be easier. She's been dead for almost 18 months now. The move, of course, has made me think about her more. When we were at Sister's for Thanksgiving, various items that had had belonged to my parents were on display. It was jarring. Brother lives in their home, but they had moved into a seniors' community, so I have many memories of them after that house.
I always thought Mom would live to a ripe old age. If you'd told me she would die before Dad and be unable to talk to us for a couple of years prior to her death at age 78, I would have laughed. She was always the healthy one. She was going to be a merry widow, at least in my mind, and I suspect the minds of my siblings.
We are all blessed with many good memories. We all carry on many of her traditions. All of that makes it easier. Daughter was crying yesterday, talking about how much she missed Grandma and Grandpa. Because of faith, we know they are okay, and that we will see them again, but for now, we miss them.


Miz Kizzle said...

Holidays are rough when the ones you love are no longer there. My mom has been dead since 1981 and I still miss her every day. She never met my kids or my husband. I talk about her to my family but I don't think she seems real to them as she would have if they had known her.
This year I made her recipe for cranberry salad with pecans, raising, apples and mandarin oranges, her dinner rolls and her chocolate wafer/whipped cream refrigerator cake. My kids like them and they're known as "Grandma's" to differentiate them from the Southern-style dishes made by my my MIL, whom the kids call by her first name.
It gets easier with time but it's still sad. I hope your DD is getting through the days off okay until her program starts again.

Reverend Mom said...

Thanks, Miz Kizzle.
Sister Best Friend and her mom were here for lunch today. I realized as I was showing off my new home that I'm looking for a mother's affirmation of my house. I love my home, and that's all that matters, but it was an interesting realization. Oh, and SBF's mom was very complimentary.