Thursday, November 4, 2010

Not Quite the Impact I'd Hoped For

This morning Daughter once again refused to get out of bed. "I'm leaving in 30 minutes."
She didn't move. "Ten minutes."
No response. "Good bye."
"Good bye."
To say I was slightly frustrated would be accurate. I had to leave, but worried about what she'd do home alone. I wondered what I'd do when she woke up and called me. I double checked all the locks on the food, medication, and knives, gathered my things, and headed out the door. I opened the garage door. I put my brief case in the back seat. I opened the driver's door, and realized I had a problem. My car keys and house keys were locked in the house. I had the cabinet keys and church keys hanging around my neck, but the car keys and house keys were still in the drawer by the stove.
I checked the doors. They were securely locked. I pondered my options. No one else has a house key. I reluctantly walked to the front door and leaned on the doorbell. Daughter graciously let me in. I grabbed the house keys, and ordered her into the car. (She had gotten up and showered and dressed at 3:00. When the temperature in the house goes down to 60 at night, it's not comfortable sleeping in a wet bed.)
Somehow the impact of leaving her home alone was lost when I locked myself out of the house. Sigh.

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