Monday, November 8, 2010

A New Week

I began my week with a 7:00 dental appointment. When I left at 8:15, I had 2 new fillings and a tired mouth. Daughter got up without too much trouble this morning. She was into food again yesterday, and I was not happy, to say the least. This morning she sat at the table and watched me put clean dishes away, fix lunch, and do various other chores. When I got out the lunch box, I discovered she had put it away with the dirty dishes from Wednesday still in it. She eventually picked up on my frustration, and asked what was wrong. I told her I was glad she was having so much fun watching me do all the work.
When we got to the church, I rearranged my office. I moved the computer stand so it is facing the door. My hope is that that will be more inviting for people who pass by. I can look up and greet them instead of having to turn all the way around. The downside of that is I am now facing Daughter, who is sleeping on the love seat.
I sat down and sorted through the papers that had piled up on the desk in my home office yesterday evening. This is going to be a busy week, so I also did some prioritizing of the work for the week. Maybe I shouldn't have turned the computer stand around and invited interruptions this week....

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